Sunday, December 31, 2023


 The clock has ticked over to the New Year here, its after 2am. 

Church is  the gathering place for all ages. There is lots of singing and dancing to march to the 12 o'clock. I can say with assurance they sure know how to pray here. I guess I am becoming Ghanaian, got mixed about time for service tonight so was not ready when the taxi was leaving. Taxi came back for me and I walked in 20 minutes late... oh my goodness no one even noticed as there were still many parishioners were arriving too. 

We had eucharist after midnight so no service in the day, can sleep in. I saw Paul, a priest here who was leaving as I was arriving and he said he would drop by the house tomorrow, I said not early as I do not get up early at all. He assured me neither does he. So  here's hoping. 

I watched the fireworks around the world on tv France 24 out of Paris. None here it seems.  

This year 2024 reminds me it has been 30 years since my first visit to Ghana, it is hard to believe that the last three decades of my life have been adding to my life experiences from this great place. WOW my first visit was scary as I was by myself and meeting Francis Berimah with whom I had written a paper while at Trinity. Francis was very helpful to getting me started to learn about Ghana and its people. He unfortunately was diagnosed and succumbed to brain cancer later that year. May he rest in peace and rise in glory

Well folks, the new year is here, lots of ???? as what it will hold for each one of us. I pray everyone has health and blessings. PEACE.

Saturday, December 30, 2023


 Its hard to think that another year is ending. 'Time flies' takes the stage.  No office open this week, I visited the Sewing group  down the lane; a small learning group in a three year program. No electricity so hand run sewing machines are around on the table. The handle  is on the wheel to the right. I sew using two hand to direct the fabric but they develop a skill using  only their left hand.

I am sitting beside the teacher.

Took a taxi out to a parish looking to develop a proposal to further building their new church.

Canon Benjamin with a parishioner. We sat with the wardens to develop a plan going forward to include all the steps to a finished building. It is a teaching moment for me to get their thinking to develop a pathway to complete the project. It is quite rewarding when they start telling me how they can move forward. I hope that little projects that I am part of can be a blueprint for future projects big or small.   
Today the Saturday before New Years Eve included doing laundry. by hand in the shower.

                                                                                               out on the line, dry in a couple of hours

my treat to me French fried yam chips with lots of salt, almost a good as McDonalds

Sunday, December 24, 2023


 Just midnight here so wishing everyone a blessed and peaceful Christmas time. I hope  2024 is a healthy and fun time for each one of you.

My Furbaby Reilly with Santa

Advent 4

It was a children's focus service. Kids led the service, got  blessing and did some liturgical dancing. All and all very sweet.

Blessing from the Dean

Liturgical Dancing - sorry it is so short but I can not figure out how to download longer videos

the Three Musketeers all dressed up
Dean on my left and Precentor on my right

Friday, December 22, 2023

Holiday gatherings

 Bishop called all clergy and spouses to assemble today at the cathedral. . It was a year end summery, thank you for everyone's work, a few announcements, ideas and comments from the group. I have to say that nothing is talked about in quick manner so 5 hours, in the same chair, no breaks left me with a pain in the ..... so I got up and walked around a bit, saw lunch being delivered and hopes that it would end soon.  And it did, fufu, soup with beef for lunch and then got a ride back to the diocesan office. The real bummer was that the office party was today as well, roasted lamb, chicken, soup, drinks and fun that I was able to catch the tail end after Bishop's mtg. 

So I walk in with a ball rolling down the hall ??? what's going on. 

They had created a game if kicking the small foam ball down the room to hopefully go between the chair legs for a goal. You got 4 chances. Most of the kicks were wide, mine included but Victor was a champ. so here he is

the chair (goal posts)

Victor getting ready

Victor playing footsy with the ball


Thursday, December 21, 2023


 I went with Canon Ben and Canon Paul to two Anglican schools handing out New Testament Bibles a gift from the Bible Society here in Ghana. The recipients were students in grade 4, 5 and 6. Kids are kids regardless of where or when as visitors came into the classroom, especially a BRONI  (white person in TWI). I am always asked to give a message which gets translated so I talked about the birthday we are going to celebrate on the 25th. then there is singing, dancing and the distribution of the New Testaments. Fun fun with all the energy that just bounces of the walls. 

me trying to make a point, note; we travel with cassock on, 

it seems kind of weird but that's what is done here, so when in Rome.....

singing and dancing to get things started

Monday, December 18, 2023

New week

Christmas is a week away, I can hardly believe it. No hype here, few decorations up, tree with lights in the church, Advent Wreath now at third pink candle, I was the preacher yesterday (weird feeling when translated as I have no idea what is being said and sometimes it is sounds much more exciting that I said), 

Staff in Diocesan Office for pic for 2024 calendar  

Now I am going to tell you about Elizabeth whom I am holding. She was a premie born in August at 1.9kg, many weeks before she was due. She is now 3kg and growing like a weed. Always bright, looking around, she is the daughter of Michael in the office. Grandma has come to help Mom take care of her, what ever they are doing is working. Dig the shoes, eh  :)

Friday, December 15, 2023

A visitor

 the hydro is off, just because I guess. Maybe a storm is coming, who knows, not me that is for sure.           I have a rechargeable flashlight so it is shining on the ceiling and along comes my visitor, a small gecko walking to the light.  He does not announce himself nor did he say goodbye, just a walk on the wall and going back into the ceiling tiles.   You can tell is is quite boring when there is no hydro as I am entertained with a gecko.  The good news is it does not last very long usually.  😊😊😊

Monday, December 11, 2023

Servers, Harvest Sunday and goodies

 I cam to the conclusion years ago that the day starts at 8am, not before as that is called 'night' when one sleeps. so, on Saturday morning at 750am I hear knocking on the door. By chance, I am up and dressed, unusual for Saturday am but lucky this week. There on the porch are two servers from the cathedral that I  chat with during services. 'Come in', as I wonder what is up. They have walked from the cathedral, maybe over 30 minutes and mostly downhill. They have come to do my housework, floors, laundry and anything else. Well, laundry is up to date and floors get done every two weeks for me. One reaches down and says the floors are dusty and they can be swept.  After drinks, chat, tour of the house, the floors did get swept, they left with funds to take a taxi back as it is all up hill. They did help me decorate for Xmas, see below beside the creche.

One topic was school that is claimed to be free. One needs to bring mattress, clothing, school supplies when staying in residence which by the way is the only option for the local high school. How are the marginalized to get the funds to obtain all this extra stuff essential to attend high school. This is the tough reality that slows or stops folks from getting ahead.

The major fundraising Sunday of the year. Lots of direct appeals, selling of good (bottles water, plantain, food stuffs etc. are auctioned off going to the highest bidder. This is situated in the midst of the Eucharist. It is not a short adventure (9am service, started at 930 and ended at 120pm).
Also happening was the blessing of a wedding from the day before. Offertory is separate from the fundraising and goods of all sorts is brought up along with money. This food stuff gets distributed to many including clergy. I was gratefully supported with things like sugar, oats, canned milk, bread. A very nice way to end a very long service.

I think on this Monday I am glad to sit in the office just chilling.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

a trip to community where a church plant is underway

 I went with bishop to see this community that are trying to be supportive of the church plant. there has been a business for the past two years of making a mixture of grains that get used as porridge in the morning; the grains are soy, wheat, corn, rice. Each one ground to a powder, mixed in all equal portions except less corn. The struggle now is that there is not grinder to mill the ingredients that must be taken to a near by town. The meeting took place under a tree.


the type of grinder that is needed. grain poured in top funnel and comes out the bottom ground up, pretty simple actually, it has a motor instead of hand turned.

Observer in the wings and cows passing by LOL where else eh!
She  is trying to figure out what is happening.

and cows, going for their morning walk

Monday, December 4, 2023

Funeral , Churching and fried cabbage

 Saturday a funeral at the cathedral. I understood the deceased was named Mary. I see a casket carried in on the shoulders and then a second casket appeared. When I asked where did it come from, from Accra. I wonder out loud, was the first casket not good enough, no, there was a body of a man in the second casket. Oh two unrelated deceased in one funeral. ( I remember a funeral in Cape Coast years ago with 7, count them 7 caskets lined up for the one funeral service. So the service started, many of the ingredients being assigned on the fly mmmm I love knowing what I am doing a little ahead. Funerals have three parts here; one the church service, second the burial, and third the next morning back at church for the family to be pray over and for along with praying the soul of the deceased rests in peace. 

Sunday service included the Third part of the funeral from the day before  when families attend for prayers along with Churching of a new Mom when the baby is 40 days old. all these bits added into a traditional Eucharist. 

Then during the Announcements there was a lengthy introduction of next Sunday being Harvest Sunday (the most important fund raising time of the year). so it was nearly 1pm when things ground down. only 4 hours and I don't have to cook as I had got a take away after the funeral on Saturday. 

take away   defined as a plastic clam shaped foam container filled with rice, chicken, salad, hot sauce along with a drink, serviette and a spoon all in a little handle bag see below

Take aways look very similar given out after weddings, funerals, important celebration, meetings in diocese office for example. I love take aways, it almost makes a 5 hour funeral worth attending  lol

Cabbage; got a new recipe to fry cabbage along with onions, bacon, and any other veg found in the fridge. Ate all I made in one sitting, yep was very good.

a busy weekend so no getting into mischief

Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Mt go to church black shoes literally fell apart last Sunday, sole flapping from the heel, inners shredded, How did they get soooo bad??? Need something to wear this Sunday but no shoe store in town. the solution is Tuesday, market day, traders come into town selling their wares: shoes being one of them, Ebenezer takes me to the market and asks me to stay in the car. I describe what I want, black loafer,, does not need to be fancy (if a white person is shopping the price will be higher)  who and what you are influences. He gets several pairs, I try them on still in the car, find a pair     and 100 Ghana Cedis I have new shoes.        

                          flapping sole


                                                New shoes, ready for Sunday

Onions; I prefer white onions as they are not as strong as red ones. yesterday looking for onion, found them cost the equivalent of $1.10 for one  WOW, TOOO TOOO MUCH,  got several red ones for $1.10. 

Roasted plantain; some were brought into the office (here if any food of any kind is brought in, it is shared between everyone who is here, yesterday I have a piece of watermelon brought to the house so I would get my share )  back to the plantain, pieces share with all along with peanuts. for me it was lunch. I will try to roast some on the BBQ when I get back and serve it with peanut soup. all welcome!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

15 servers, count them, 15 in total

 my goodness, at the beginning of service,  lining up to enter in there were servers coming out of the woodwork. When I finished the count there were 15 in total. I do not remember ever that many in my past memory here or in Canada.  Here are the troops dancing, not me today, I am being photographer. There were signals being directed at the little ones to get them in place when needed.  


Junior who had surgery last year for an undescended testicle came this pm to visit with his family. He is thriving and full of beans dressing pink pants here with his two sisters the oldest beside Mommy, Lady   Wilma age 7, and her sister leaning on Daddy, Lordina Ackah age 4.  Ebenezer again says thankyou for the support that allowed his son to have the surgery.  

Friday, November 24, 2023

ok help arrived

 Hydro is back, fans are whirling, cool shower….life is good😉

Hydro off

 ,no fan. One flashlight. One handkerchief to mop up the sweat. What more can I say...  it’s hot!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Worshipping in Cathedral style

 the church was buzzing, servers in red cassocks everywhere, What is happening? Today was the Inauguration of the Servers Guild of the Diocese of Wiawso. Servers from across the diocese had gathered to kick off this new Guild. With the pomp and circumstance that it deserved  Bishop blessed ribbons with medals and then the servers after they had committed to their ministry. The Executive of the Guild was installed along with the President of the Guild. The cathedral was full with about  75 kids in the balcony watching. (remember the day when the Canadian church had lots of kids plus remember that most of the servers are young folks). Church here is still the main gathering centre for worship along with programs, connecting with others, and being part of a group. It is THE place to be on Sunday morning.

Processing in

Getting their ribbons with medals

                                                           The formal after pic

I left the house at 845 and returned at 2pm. Drank 2 litres of water to accommodate the ++++++ perspiring. I am back in the groove.

Friday, November 17, 2023

I have arrived after a very long trip

 I decided this year to save a little money and fly with Brussels Air. stop in Montreal, next Brussels, then it was Accra. I learned that Brussels Air farms out flights so I flew Air Canada for flight one and two and Eurowings. for the third. Lets just say that getting a slice of cherry cake, a small yogurt and a drink for breakfast when landing in Brussels was a surprise. An even greater surprise was a small Dixie cup of ice cream with a small wooden spoon when landing in Accra was the understated snack. I guess my conclusion is that flying KLM is worth the money.

Ebenezer in Accra was there to pick me up at the airport. He suggested rather than going to the hotel for a few hours and taking the bus in the morning I could get the night bus now. So what the heck, it had been 36 hours since I left my apt what is another 10 or 12. Caught the bus, a big discussion about space for , hockey bag, big suitcase and carry on, I guess it was worked out as a ticket was bought and on I got. Usually it is a 8 hour ride, after 8 hours, I have no idea where I am, it is 3 am and the bus is still going, I texted Michael claiming I was lost and I hope the driver knew where we were. Michael calls and I hand someone the phone so they can tell Michael where we are. Another hour and I get tapped that my stop is coming up. I get to the house by 500am, dead beat, left my apt 1030am Tuesday arrive at house 500am Thursday, safe and sound, thank you |Lord.

Today in the office for TGIF Club, my lunch, peanuts, plantain chips and a coke, same every week. back in the groove. Saying hello to everyone and now it feels like I had never left.

Hope to have wifi back tomorrow, now using phone hot spot. the magic of the world today is never ending. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

another visit about to start


 *ticket bought (to save $500 on ticket price changing planes in Brussels for the first time, leaving Toronto on November 14 and should be at my house by supper on the 16th),   

*out of country health insurance bought (very $$$), 

*Tropical disease doc visited with 3, count them 3 shots in the arms and sore arms for a few days,

 *visa application sent in (earliest yet), 

*packing for shipper just about done for Wednesday drop off, (Tanya on deck to help),  

*arrangements for pick up in Accra made, 


I guess I am a ready as I can be at this time. 

be back soon....

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Back in Canada

The trip was long and tiring. It is great to be back. I have already paid for Out of Country Insurance for the next year so I will be going back to Ghana in November God willing. Have a blessed summer.

Last Sunday out with the Bishop

 Adabokrom Anglican Church is a church that is growing. Last year \I was there with 12 folks in the congregation and they requested 2 microphones which they received the next week.This Sunday there was about 50 to 60 folks, half were kids.

This is a parish 2 1/2 hours from the Diocese Office. It is a very blossoming parish with lots of energy. 

The gangs all here

I was asked to speak so they could hear my voice. I had been scheduled to preach at the cathedral so had done some work on the gospel (Road to Emmaus). I was speaking ahead of the bishop preaching. I asked the bishop if he was speaking about the gospel and then just went for it and gave my short version of the subject.  I had never preempted a bishop before  but 'first come first serve.'  Since bishop preached in local language so I end up not knowing what he said but the listeners seemed engaged. 

Kids galore, singing , being curious and watching from the door

I brought my bear to church.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Last day in the office

 Well today was my last day in the office. I start for Canada Monday evening for an 8 hour bus ride to the capital Accra, thanks be to God for generous folks who will meet me at 4am, take me to a hotel to rest, come back to take me to the airport in Tuesday afternoon to fly to Amsterdam  arriving Wednesday morning to then fly to Toronto in time for a late lunch, a bit of a trek so to speak

the office gang:  front is Victor, at the back from the left Michael, Dominic, me, PK

this is the group that answers all my questions, no matter how outrageous or mundane, and they find anything and everything that I dream up that I need. or the answer is...not in Wiawso, need to go to Kumasi. or Accra

of a treck. but thats it.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

A sprinkle of this and a sprinkle of that

 For the first time ever the Revenge from Montezuma visited last week; holy moly it was awful But Imodium and Cipro to the rescue. I was left with a 'jelly belly' (upset tummy) for a few days. WOW what a time!


on with life.

Today preached quite a feminist sermon to the Clergy Wives Retreat at St. John the Baptist Anglican Church in Bodi. The wives were pleased so maybe a trickle down of a drop of change might happen (here's hoping) I spoke with a couple of the girl servers about their future, one wants to manage a bank. I wondered out loud if they would ever think about being a priest. It was like speaking a foreign language, a concept they had never heard before. I am sprinkling drops of change.  I went with the bishop, left at 8am and back at 145pm, long morning.....

                                                                 15 servers robed 

This is the road, red earth pounded hard  with great eroded run off cracks, 
It is better than a ride at the amusement park.

and share this one lane road  with trucks like this. 
Ebenezer gets stars in his crown for navigating us home safely.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


 Easter 2023. Bishop Kwame  preached and celebrated. Music was the traditional Easter hymns, very nice. I excused myself from the 6 hour Vigil so I could be rested to enjoy Easter morning, good decision on my part. 

BISHOP KWAME KYEM-AMPOMAh with Chancellor and his wife

choir, servers, wardens, dean,all had their pics taken

please note girl servers have head covering still

                                                               Bishop with wardens robed

                                                          Deacon Emmanuel and family 


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Busy busy busy, it is a drill march to get through Holy Week

Palm Sunday  

The km walk waving palms and singing had the first third uphill. ( Town of Wiawso is built on a hill so you are always going up or down to get from here to there.) Thank goodness the last third was downhill. All the while the sole was coming off my shoe. During the Prayers of the People I, barefoot and the  Precentor were in the sacristy with him gluing my sole back on.

Kids singing at the end of the service

Easter Retreat for all ordained held at the Bishop's Court on Monday and Tuesday.

I stayed in my house as it is easier being the only woman. I was impressed with the speakers who tried to use both genders or gender neutral language.  It became a laugh every time but they did try, I will give them an A for effort.

Dancing and singing is a large part of the break periods, even in the evening, ( I stayed sitting)

meals on the back patio, where I finally learned how to eat yam and sauce with my right hand. yea yea!

Chrism Mass on Wednesday

Oil blessed for all the parishes, all in attendance anointed by the bishop 

Thursday  foot washing and stripping of the altar. 

no women were going to come up for foot washing so I when down and asked personally, Mother Dean and the Evangelist came forward. The thinking here is still following the example of just the 12 male disciples at the first Maundy Thursday.  Oh change is soooo slow.

Good Friday

6 hours was a test of endurance. Laying prostrate was easy going down but getting up I needed one on each arm. 

Tonight we have the Easter Vigil which will go from 630 pm to after midnight. I give great thanks that I am not organizing all these events.

Blessed Easter to all!