Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Mt go to church black shoes literally fell apart last Sunday, sole flapping from the heel, inners shredded, How did they get soooo bad??? Need something to wear this Sunday but no shoe store in town. the solution is Tuesday, market day, traders come into town selling their wares: shoes being one of them, Ebenezer takes me to the market and asks me to stay in the car. I describe what I want, black loafer,, does not need to be fancy (if a white person is shopping the price will be higher)  who and what you are influences. He gets several pairs, I try them on still in the car, find a pair     and 100 Ghana Cedis I have new shoes.        

                          flapping sole


                                                New shoes, ready for Sunday

Onions; I prefer white onions as they are not as strong as red ones. yesterday looking for onion, found them cost the equivalent of $1.10 for one  WOW, TOOO TOOO MUCH,  got several red ones for $1.10. 

Roasted plantain; some were brought into the office (here if any food of any kind is brought in, it is shared between everyone who is here, yesterday I have a piece of watermelon brought to the house so I would get my share )  back to the plantain, pieces share with all along with peanuts. for me it was lunch. I will try to roast some on the BBQ when I get back and serve it with peanut soup. all welcome!


  1. lovely new shoes, does look like the old ones were likely beyond a glue repair. Was at the Thrift shop yesterday with my nieces step-son and saw their collection of used shoes for sale. Glad you are enjoying the food too.

  2. Could you have rubber the flapping sole with an onion? Perhaps It wouldn't work but the smell oh the smell!

  3. my surprise was that I almost never wear out my shoes even after years, these falling apart was a big surprise.
