Sunday, November 26, 2023

15 servers, count them, 15 in total

 my goodness, at the beginning of service,  lining up to enter in there were servers coming out of the woodwork. When I finished the count there were 15 in total. I do not remember ever that many in my past memory here or in Canada.  Here are the troops dancing, not me today, I am being photographer. There were signals being directed at the little ones to get them in place when needed.  


Junior who had surgery last year for an undescended testicle came this pm to visit with his family. He is thriving and full of beans dressing pink pants here with his two sisters the oldest beside Mommy, Lady   Wilma age 7, and her sister leaning on Daddy, Lordina Ackah age 4.  Ebenezer again says thankyou for the support that allowed his son to have the surgery.  

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