Sunday, April 16, 2023

A sprinkle of this and a sprinkle of that

 For the first time ever the Revenge from Montezuma visited last week; holy moly it was awful But Imodium and Cipro to the rescue. I was left with a 'jelly belly' (upset tummy) for a few days. WOW what a time!


on with life.

Today preached quite a feminist sermon to the Clergy Wives Retreat at St. John the Baptist Anglican Church in Bodi. The wives were pleased so maybe a trickle down of a drop of change might happen (here's hoping) I spoke with a couple of the girl servers about their future, one wants to manage a bank. I wondered out loud if they would ever think about being a priest. It was like speaking a foreign language, a concept they had never heard before. I am sprinkling drops of change.  I went with the bishop, left at 8am and back at 145pm, long morning.....

                                                                 15 servers robed 

This is the road, red earth pounded hard  with great eroded run off cracks, 
It is better than a ride at the amusement park.

and share this one lane road  with trucks like this. 
Ebenezer gets stars in his crown for navigating us home safely.

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