Monday, December 11, 2023

Servers, Harvest Sunday and goodies

 I cam to the conclusion years ago that the day starts at 8am, not before as that is called 'night' when one sleeps. so, on Saturday morning at 750am I hear knocking on the door. By chance, I am up and dressed, unusual for Saturday am but lucky this week. There on the porch are two servers from the cathedral that I  chat with during services. 'Come in', as I wonder what is up. They have walked from the cathedral, maybe over 30 minutes and mostly downhill. They have come to do my housework, floors, laundry and anything else. Well, laundry is up to date and floors get done every two weeks for me. One reaches down and says the floors are dusty and they can be swept.  After drinks, chat, tour of the house, the floors did get swept, they left with funds to take a taxi back as it is all up hill. They did help me decorate for Xmas, see below beside the creche.

One topic was school that is claimed to be free. One needs to bring mattress, clothing, school supplies when staying in residence which by the way is the only option for the local high school. How are the marginalized to get the funds to obtain all this extra stuff essential to attend high school. This is the tough reality that slows or stops folks from getting ahead.

The major fundraising Sunday of the year. Lots of direct appeals, selling of good (bottles water, plantain, food stuffs etc. are auctioned off going to the highest bidder. This is situated in the midst of the Eucharist. It is not a short adventure (9am service, started at 930 and ended at 120pm).
Also happening was the blessing of a wedding from the day before. Offertory is separate from the fundraising and goods of all sorts is brought up along with money. This food stuff gets distributed to many including clergy. I was gratefully supported with things like sugar, oats, canned milk, bread. A very nice way to end a very long service.

I think on this Monday I am glad to sit in the office just chilling.

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