Friday, November 17, 2023

I have arrived after a very long trip

 I decided this year to save a little money and fly with Brussels Air. stop in Montreal, next Brussels, then it was Accra. I learned that Brussels Air farms out flights so I flew Air Canada for flight one and two and Eurowings. for the third. Lets just say that getting a slice of cherry cake, a small yogurt and a drink for breakfast when landing in Brussels was a surprise. An even greater surprise was a small Dixie cup of ice cream with a small wooden spoon when landing in Accra was the understated snack. I guess my conclusion is that flying KLM is worth the money.

Ebenezer in Accra was there to pick me up at the airport. He suggested rather than going to the hotel for a few hours and taking the bus in the morning I could get the night bus now. So what the heck, it had been 36 hours since I left my apt what is another 10 or 12. Caught the bus, a big discussion about space for , hockey bag, big suitcase and carry on, I guess it was worked out as a ticket was bought and on I got. Usually it is a 8 hour ride, after 8 hours, I have no idea where I am, it is 3 am and the bus is still going, I texted Michael claiming I was lost and I hope the driver knew where we were. Michael calls and I hand someone the phone so they can tell Michael where we are. Another hour and I get tapped that my stop is coming up. I get to the house by 500am, dead beat, left my apt 1030am Tuesday arrive at house 500am Thursday, safe and sound, thank you |Lord.

Today in the office for TGIF Club, my lunch, peanuts, plantain chips and a coke, same every week. back in the groove. Saying hello to everyone and now it feels like I had never left.

Hope to have wifi back tomorrow, now using phone hot spot. the magic of the world today is never ending. 


  1. Glad you've arrived to home away from home. You are a blessing to so many. Be Blessed! R & R

  2. Thanks for your continued support
