Sunday, November 19, 2023

Worshipping in Cathedral style

 the church was buzzing, servers in red cassocks everywhere, What is happening? Today was the Inauguration of the Servers Guild of the Diocese of Wiawso. Servers from across the diocese had gathered to kick off this new Guild. With the pomp and circumstance that it deserved  Bishop blessed ribbons with medals and then the servers after they had committed to their ministry. The Executive of the Guild was installed along with the President of the Guild. The cathedral was full with about  75 kids in the balcony watching. (remember the day when the Canadian church had lots of kids plus remember that most of the servers are young folks). Church here is still the main gathering centre for worship along with programs, connecting with others, and being part of a group. It is THE place to be on Sunday morning.

Processing in

Getting their ribbons with medals

                                                           The formal after pic

I left the house at 845 and returned at 2pm. Drank 2 litres of water to accommodate the ++++++ perspiring. I am back in the groove.

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