Sunday, December 31, 2023


 The clock has ticked over to the New Year here, its after 2am. 

Church is  the gathering place for all ages. There is lots of singing and dancing to march to the 12 o'clock. I can say with assurance they sure know how to pray here. I guess I am becoming Ghanaian, got mixed about time for service tonight so was not ready when the taxi was leaving. Taxi came back for me and I walked in 20 minutes late... oh my goodness no one even noticed as there were still many parishioners were arriving too. 

We had eucharist after midnight so no service in the day, can sleep in. I saw Paul, a priest here who was leaving as I was arriving and he said he would drop by the house tomorrow, I said not early as I do not get up early at all. He assured me neither does he. So  here's hoping. 

I watched the fireworks around the world on tv France 24 out of Paris. None here it seems.  

This year 2024 reminds me it has been 30 years since my first visit to Ghana, it is hard to believe that the last three decades of my life have been adding to my life experiences from this great place. WOW my first visit was scary as I was by myself and meeting Francis Berimah with whom I had written a paper while at Trinity. Francis was very helpful to getting me started to learn about Ghana and its people. He unfortunately was diagnosed and succumbed to brain cancer later that year. May he rest in peace and rise in glory

Well folks, the new year is here, lots of ???? as what it will hold for each one of us. I pray everyone has health and blessings. PEACE.