Thursday, December 7, 2023

a trip to community where a church plant is underway

 I went with bishop to see this community that are trying to be supportive of the church plant. there has been a business for the past two years of making a mixture of grains that get used as porridge in the morning; the grains are soy, wheat, corn, rice. Each one ground to a powder, mixed in all equal portions except less corn. The struggle now is that there is not grinder to mill the ingredients that must be taken to a near by town. The meeting took place under a tree.


the type of grinder that is needed. grain poured in top funnel and comes out the bottom ground up, pretty simple actually, it has a motor instead of hand turned.

Observer in the wings and cows passing by LOL where else eh!
She  is trying to figure out what is happening.

and cows, going for their morning walk


  1. Your life is so interesting and rewarding in Ghana.

  2. Wendy. Enjoy reading about your interesting life in Ghana
