Saturday, April 8, 2023

Busy busy busy, it is a drill march to get through Holy Week

Palm Sunday  

The km walk waving palms and singing had the first third uphill. ( Town of Wiawso is built on a hill so you are always going up or down to get from here to there.) Thank goodness the last third was downhill. All the while the sole was coming off my shoe. During the Prayers of the People I, barefoot and the  Precentor were in the sacristy with him gluing my sole back on.

Kids singing at the end of the service

Easter Retreat for all ordained held at the Bishop's Court on Monday and Tuesday.

I stayed in my house as it is easier being the only woman. I was impressed with the speakers who tried to use both genders or gender neutral language.  It became a laugh every time but they did try, I will give them an A for effort.

Dancing and singing is a large part of the break periods, even in the evening, ( I stayed sitting)

meals on the back patio, where I finally learned how to eat yam and sauce with my right hand. yea yea!

Chrism Mass on Wednesday

Oil blessed for all the parishes, all in attendance anointed by the bishop 

Thursday  foot washing and stripping of the altar. 

no women were going to come up for foot washing so I when down and asked personally, Mother Dean and the Evangelist came forward. The thinking here is still following the example of just the 12 male disciples at the first Maundy Thursday.  Oh change is soooo slow.

Good Friday

6 hours was a test of endurance. Laying prostrate was easy going down but getting up I needed one on each arm. 

Tonight we have the Easter Vigil which will go from 630 pm to after midnight. I give great thanks that I am not organizing all these events.

Blessed Easter to all!



  1. Have been looking forward to reading your experience this past week. Always enjoy! Easter Blessings!

  2. i actually excused myself from the 6 hour Vigil so I would be rested for Easter Morning when the bishop was in attendance
