Sunday, April 30, 2023

Last Sunday out with the Bishop

 Adabokrom Anglican Church is a church that is growing. Last year \I was there with 12 folks in the congregation and they requested 2 microphones which they received the next week.This Sunday there was about 50 to 60 folks, half were kids.

This is a parish 2 1/2 hours from the Diocese Office. It is a very blossoming parish with lots of energy. 

The gangs all here

I was asked to speak so they could hear my voice. I had been scheduled to preach at the cathedral so had done some work on the gospel (Road to Emmaus). I was speaking ahead of the bishop preaching. I asked the bishop if he was speaking about the gospel and then just went for it and gave my short version of the subject.  I had never preempted a bishop before  but 'first come first serve.'  Since bishop preached in local language so I end up not knowing what he said but the listeners seemed engaged. 

Kids galore, singing , being curious and watching from the door

I brought my bear to church.


  1. Thanks for sharing! You have a Blessed Summer too!

  2. It is very good to have the feelings of your church. Believe in God is the best for to have a correct way of Life.
