Saturday, December 30, 2023


 Its hard to think that another year is ending. 'Time flies' takes the stage.  No office open this week, I visited the Sewing group  down the lane; a small learning group in a three year program. No electricity so hand run sewing machines are around on the table. The handle  is on the wheel to the right. I sew using two hand to direct the fabric but they develop a skill using  only their left hand.

I am sitting beside the teacher.

Took a taxi out to a parish looking to develop a proposal to further building their new church.

Canon Benjamin with a parishioner. We sat with the wardens to develop a plan going forward to include all the steps to a finished building. It is a teaching moment for me to get their thinking to develop a pathway to complete the project. It is quite rewarding when they start telling me how they can move forward. I hope that little projects that I am part of can be a blueprint for future projects big or small.   
Today the Saturday before New Years Eve included doing laundry. by hand in the shower.

                                                                                               out on the line, dry in a couple of hours

my treat to me French fried yam chips with lots of salt, almost a good as McDonalds


  1. All the best of Christmas to you Betty and Happy New Year...Many blessings for 2024! Wade & Tanya

  2. Thanks Wade, Blessings on you and your family and hopefully there are lots of laughs in 2024 for you.
