Monday, December 4, 2023

Funeral , Churching and fried cabbage

 Saturday a funeral at the cathedral. I understood the deceased was named Mary. I see a casket carried in on the shoulders and then a second casket appeared. When I asked where did it come from, from Accra. I wonder out loud, was the first casket not good enough, no, there was a body of a man in the second casket. Oh two unrelated deceased in one funeral. ( I remember a funeral in Cape Coast years ago with 7, count them 7 caskets lined up for the one funeral service. So the service started, many of the ingredients being assigned on the fly mmmm I love knowing what I am doing a little ahead. Funerals have three parts here; one the church service, second the burial, and third the next morning back at church for the family to be pray over and for along with praying the soul of the deceased rests in peace. 

Sunday service included the Third part of the funeral from the day before  when families attend for prayers along with Churching of a new Mom when the baby is 40 days old. all these bits added into a traditional Eucharist. 

Then during the Announcements there was a lengthy introduction of next Sunday being Harvest Sunday (the most important fund raising time of the year). so it was nearly 1pm when things ground down. only 4 hours and I don't have to cook as I had got a take away after the funeral on Saturday. 

take away   defined as a plastic clam shaped foam container filled with rice, chicken, salad, hot sauce along with a drink, serviette and a spoon all in a little handle bag see below

Take aways look very similar given out after weddings, funerals, important celebration, meetings in diocese office for example. I love take aways, it almost makes a 5 hour funeral worth attending  lol

Cabbage; got a new recipe to fry cabbage along with onions, bacon, and any other veg found in the fridge. Ate all I made in one sitting, yep was very good.

a busy weekend so no getting into mischief


  1. Sounds like you are doing well...with cabbage and all. Interesting to read about the funerals and traditions. Take care!

  2. Thank you, life is getting back into the routine
