Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The winds blew, The thunder clapped, The lighting flashed, And the rains came, LOUDLY AND HARD especially on the tin roof AND the hydro went out, storms here are very noisy affairs. I went to the Hanukkah Children’s Home today, it is in the outskirts of Sunyani. Moses is the Director; it is funded through fund raising by his in-laws in Holland. There are 40 kids, from newborn to 18 years, more girls than boys; a premature newborn, 3 weeks old is there because her family cannot afford to feed her what she needs as a preemie, she was very little but very cute, maybe 5-6 pounds if that. The kids I saw, looked well nourished, clothes a bit mismatched, staff busy doing chores and the place was well kept. I was impressed. Moses works because he feels called to care for children and to offer them a better place than their home was for them. He also goes to remote villages when needed to build houses, drill wells, and build toilets so I asked if I could go with him to see. I hope it happens soon. There were 6 volunteers from Holland there; I gather volunteers come for a month to three months just to help out. No pics allowed which I respect but I asked if one day to take some so I can tell their story back home… maybe. When I asked him, other than money what does he need: Pampers and NAN baby formula, one of the brands here. I hope to get some folks here to buy some. The funeral is this Saturday for the priest that died. I gather it is up north? Not know how far but I am sure it will be an all-day event. There is much scurrying around in getting ready in the office. Well storm has passed, hydro is on and all is well

1 comment:

  1. Does the rain cool things off or just make them muggy? Orphans, building toilets, drilling wells such care and empathy. Makes me feel guilty and thankful for all our resourses and comforts. D
