Monday, February 11, 2013

Barclay's Bank

I had money transfered to my new account that took many visits to get organized and today I wanted to withdraw some money SO I ask the guard (there are several in and outside the bank, so I speak to the one that is closest to the tellers and ask him how to withdraw money. He refers me to a fellow who is sharing a desk, everyone shares a desk except the manager. so he (desk sharer) takes me to the woman who is sitting outside the mgrs office, actually she had her own desk and the room was like a closet.(its best feature was that it did have a small window) So I ask how to withdraw money,she asks,did I have I have a bank book.. no well in that case I have to write a letter to the bank asking to withdraw money, you are kidding I say and she say no then fellow(shared desk) says he will look to see whether my bank book has come so they gve me sheet of paper and and I write something like ..I would like to withdraw X amount of money from my acct,give number and sign it not good enough, it needs to look like a letter, address date etc I tell then I need another piece of paper I write very nicely in my best business letter form and writing, address, date, to whom it may concern etc about getting money Is that one ok is deemed to be perfect she leaves and comes back and write what looks like a withdrawal slip with carbon paper and all, then needs my passport to photocopy, staples it all together,puts three stamps on the letter (ink and pad type)initials the stamps and asks me to follow her to the teller where I got my money, woo hoo !!!!!, only took 35 minutes, remember it is ok for it to take time, has a/c FYI just in case you ever need to know if you ever want to withdraw money from Barclays in Sunyani write out what looks like a withdrawal slip fom your savings bank book (which looks like a cheque book), get in line and present it to the teller and you will get you money ta ta !!!! this whole thing would be a very funny sitcom skit, dont you think??????


  1. yes, probably a seinfeld episode! i guess it's too much to ask them for a debit card?! i think i'd type myself up a 'proper' form letter, leaving the date, amount & signature blank, and use that each time!

  2. I have a debt card for the ATM but wanted an amount that was not appropriate to get there.
    I am sure once I get the savings bank book that looks like a cheque book, I will no longer need to write a letter.

  3. Was there a line up at the bank? 35 minutes isn't that bad.

  4. Sounds like a Carol Burnett skit - good you could sit down in the cool.
