Friday, February 8, 2013

planning a funeral for a priest

my goodness, details discussed that never happen back home like how to get the body from the morgue to the church for the funeral solution wrap the body, tuck it in the back of the cathedral van and have the casket maker deliver the casket to the church for the night before the funeral who is going to pay for the casket? who is providng food after the funeral for the priests and wives where are the robes that the priests will dress the body with going to come from the priest died before I got here in mid January and the funeral is March 4th, it takes a while to get things organized so got back and saw a group of Sunday school teachers having a workshop,came outside to have a photo taken, they were clearly having fun!1111 pics one along the road to the mtg second the teachers trying out curriculm ideas


  1. Will there an order of service distributed? Three cheers for the sunday school teachers making stewardship fun. D

  2. yes I left out the discussion about the program ie bulletin, it will be done at the diocese
    I was asked if I can do graphics, no was my quick answer
