Friday, February 22, 2013


got antenna, still only two channels but both are clear only 3 hours of hydro in the last 30 hours so who cares how many channels on tv I wish we knew when the power was going to be off as then we could get ready, ie boil water ahead, cook for the next 2 meals you know .....basic stuff tonight in the middle of teaching a class on pastoral care, we are sitting in the dark so moved class from my place to the veranda of the diocesean centre as they are on a separate system so the porch light was on, then just dealt with the bugs now , in the dark, a wet cloth around my neck, wishing for the fan as hopes springs eternal, and reading a downlaod from the library, I really have it good you know with my electronic goodies. got wardrobe set up yesterday but need to find hangers, too hot to walk to the market and the bishop is away therefore so is the driver as well I need some screws or nails to put up the curtains, maybe tomorrow... thank goodness for frosted glass on the glass louvers till later...


  1. Does your solar battery keep your gadgets going? Good you have analternate loca lfor the class. Hope the power is on soon

  2. when the hydro is on, I charge everything,
    Saturday I have the solar charger rechargering in the sun, but it is slower than hydro so when the hydro came back on,
    I moved the solar charger to hydro charging to speed up the process for fear the hydro went off again.
