Friday, February 15, 2013

Getting ready to move

the bunky that is being built for me to call home is almost finished so I went furniture shopping today store called Melcom, somewhat like Walmart. Bishop came with me. since there are no closets, got a wardrobe, wanted dresser but it was worn from being on the floor and they would not reduce it enough for me to live with the boo boos Got a table and chairs (like the kind on the patio) nesting end tables and a TV, they wanted me to buy a flat screen +++++cedis$ but I do not have one at home and the other kind is just fine + antennae to put on the roof (will be able to see more channels than snow and 2 channels I have now)and got a small fridge with a freezer, so it is all in the spare bedroom at the bishop's place, I am sure he will be glad when I get settled my present landlady is sad that I am moving, I will be glad to be able to prepare meals which at the moment is pretty difficult. soon I will land. :) :) :)


  1. Hope your move is easy peasy. imgine looking forward to cooking, guess you don't get much good ol'chili there.
    Blessings D
