Monday, February 4, 2013

learning never ends

Watching the 11pm news which consists of the someone reading articles from the newspaper, a picture of the paper is put up on the screen with the headline of the article. Many of the tv program (there are 3 channels to choose from with one really snowy)are educational in nature (today was cancer of the cervix day) pictures and treatments and screening are all covered. I think there are a fairly significant population that cannot read so this is like standing on the corner like the Town Crier I suppose. But Football (soccer) is shown live and I have announced that I must be home by 230 on Wednesday as Ghana is playing in the quarter finals with the second set playing at 530pm Ghana won last week by sheer luck as they played terrible but got one point on a penalty kick and the other when the other goalie had been pulled. We will see this week if they are better. I spent 2 hours tonight in a liturgical lesson to preach and celebrate at the cathedral this Sunday, I drew the line at starting a brethren, I said ..I just cannot say it so it will be my brothers and sisters, the singing will be pretty bad as it has been a long time since I learned some of it in seminary and, then I was not that good. The little tests that one meets along the road eh!!!


  1. I have no oubt yu will make a joyful noise unto the Lord. I'm sure He/She doesn't care if it is of operetic quality.LOL

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