Friday, February 1, 2013


yeserday, Thursday I deleted the pics in error of course, from this visit, will try to get more but until then pictures in Yamfo, the Anglican Diocese of its one and only secondary school. There are 700 students, actually more girls than boys but of the 146 graduates last year, 18 went on to university, none were girls. This school I was told has limited resources so does not draw the high level achievers to attend. The advantage of compleing high school is that one can apply for government positions, otherwise you would resort to a non regular job eg trading in the market, There are two scholarships available each year, which only cover tuition and board, does not include uniforms, books and anything else they might need which amounts to about $200.00. It seems as though the very poor have no chance of ever getting out of the poverty cycle. The total cost for a student who has no money is $500.00 year for 3 years. If anyone would like to raise funds to cover a girl to attend for three years = $1500.00 I would ensure that she was selected well and I will personally follow her progress. If there are any teachers who would like to twin with thi school for a cultural exchange, I can forward on your email.

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