Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chapter 3: WEDDING DAY -TRADITIONAL WEDDING ...his family house

there are three parts to the wedding  so several  chapters
- Traditional Wedding
- Church Blessing
- Reception
We are up and at relative of Daniel's house by 830am, we meet Daniel's relatives and head of the family

Head of the family is in the middle

Daniel - groom
The ritual when one enters a house as a visitor,
you shake everyone's hand who is in the house, then you are asked...What is your business or the reason for your visit, when you are finished everyone of the house gets up and shakes your hand saying Akwaaba ( you are welcome) then chit chatting and in many cases serving of drinks (no drinks this day)

This little girl is a neighbour, wearing pink sunglasses with the left lens missing but for her it did not matter, she of course was very interested in the white lady but just looked, did not come too close


  1. Weddings are always a busy time - honoured guests included

  2. Well it was a tiring weekend but I am really glad I made the trip. Daniel and Jemi told me that they were very pleased I was there.
