Wednesday, April 6, 2016

the adventure continues

remember there was not plane to get from Accra to Sunyani when I came, well there is no plane any day to return  (even though their website says it flies every day) so need to go to Kumasi (2 HOUR drive) to get a plane to Accra. another option is a bus from Sunyani to Accra and taxi from bus station to airport, since my mobility is an issue and riding a bus for 9-10 hour prior to  20 hour flight to Toronto is not too appealing .....  I will fly from Kumasi (flight 3/4 hour)
now just need to organize a ride to Kumasi in a car that will hold 3 big bags, I fly KLM from Accra to Toronto with a stop for 3 hours in Amsterdam and have ordered wheelchair assistance to manage 3 bags, drum and carry on and me with a boot on my #ankle and a crutch under my arm, it almost seems like a sit com that had a terrible writer so, the saga continues
for Daniel"s wedding Sat,.  Gifty and I are getting a bus on Friday am, she thinks 7am (early mornings are sooooooooooooooooooo delightful lol),since seats are assigned, the earlier you get there, the closer you are to the front of the bus, both Gifty and I can not truck to the back of the bus easily,  stay in hotel where the wedding is Frid and Sat nite and home on Sunday, I have a new outfit, very sparkly, u will see it Saturday,

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