Sunday, April 10, 2016

the wedding adventure!!!

I am going to unfold the wedding in sections each day
so today is Chapter 1 'GETTING THERE'

So I told you about the trip to get there,
You need to know the two of us made an unusual pic, Gifty with legs braces and canes, me wearing clergy shirt, with a plastic air cast boot on and a crutch  ...   what did not tell you want that at the Kumasi Station I minded the luggage and Gifty went for the tickets, she was unable to get up on the platform to get the tickets and one of the folks who wanted on the bus created a bit of a scene ending up with Gifty being shoved to the ground and banging her head, - we got tickets
you can buy almost anything at the station,
food, toilet paper, belts, shoes, hankies,
sunglasses, +++++
                              the bus  (like a city bus, minimal padding in seats,
                                no storage so stuff is on your lap, on the floor at your feet or in the aisle

this is the aisle, there were several large (3 ft by 3 ft) bags, five drums, boxes of bottles water ++++
and passengers standing or sitting on the steps at the door, Bus was way overloaded and when going over some of the speed bumps we hit bottom with the back of the bus (clunk, clunk)



  1. That sucks !!There are rude impolite bullies everywhere.
    Hope Gift wasn't hurt badly.

  2. no, bumped her head on a pipe but it was jarring to say the least
