Saturday, April 16, 2016


I have mentioned previously that the bus only goes when it is full.
Gifty and I got to the bus by 8am, to get the front seat, a little more room for crutches etc. then we waited and waited, around 930, still waiting
Scenes while waiting: now it was Sunday morning so some stalls were empty like this one
Having a pedicure takes on a whole different meaning in Ghana, a person walks along the street clanging two piece of metal together, announcing his presence 
(somewhat like the man who sharpened knives, walked along ringing a hand bell, 
now you have to be of an age to know what I am talking about)
SO this man is having his nails cuts at the side of the road
 (cleaning equipment between customers ?????? I don't know how or if that takes place)
Taxis are the main mode of transport here, both for people and things, there is not much that cannot be put in or on a taxi to get it home
this flexible hosing in the trunk  below is one example
I get an idea to buy a third ticket so the row we were in, would be all ours, two seats and the end was a flip down seat, so we did, WELL 'what a to do' about us having this third seat, it became apparent that no one buys an extra seat, one fellow wanted to give money for the seat and was ready to sit on the flip down.... I showed him 3 tickets and said it was mine, another came to the window begging money as we must be rich to buy the third seat, for 16 Ghana Cedis (2.7 GC = 1 Can Dollar) the best money I have spent in a long time, it meant we could spread out, have more room for our feet and bags etc, actually resulting in a more pleasant ride considering the roads have great stretches of no paving, just dirt, dust, and holes with everyone picking their way along to minimize the jarring.

left at 10 am after 2  hours of sitting and waiting

This area of the country is known for its deposits of gold which Ghana therefore having been called the Gold Coast in the past. These days gold is pit mined, just dig down making a big hole leaving the country side looking like blasted holes from dynamite. I am told the law stated that the soil removed is supposed to be put back to leave the land as they found it BUT it does not happen so one can see abandoned pit mine site totally without any greenery all along the road. Much illegal stuff goes on around the mining, bribes for folks to look the other way and foreigners come in and entice a Ghanaian to start digging for gold (Ghanaians do not need a permit or license to mine gold) and then foreigner takes over

We got to Kumasi about 3.30pm, 5 1/2 hours, 
We got tickets for the bus to Sunyani, left Kumasi by 4pm only a 30 minute wait, yipeeeeee... (everything is relative remember) then called Adu to meet us near the turn off for Gifty's place which he did, then I arrived at my place about 7 pm.
 When I told people it was a long journey, they all laughed, many have never been to that part of the country because it is so far. 'We must be strong women to travel that far' one said. It is easy to see why people here do not explore their own country, travel is dreadfully awkward, very time consuming and costly for them (many have a wage of 100 to 200 Ghana Cedis a month and we spent each 50 GC round trip, so half a month's salary for some, Therefore no travel and no journeys for vacation) I had a conversation yesterday about vacations, they do not know what they are, they just have time off from work and never go anywhere for R & R. 
We are very blessed in our land called Canada.
The end of this trip for me and Gifty.
The beginning of life's journey for Jemi and Daniel.


  1. What an adventure 3 seats at the front of the bus no less sooo smart!

  2. I have my moments of clarity, they may be far and few between, never the less, on occasion they happen lol
