Monday, April 25, 2016

scary evening

Gifty tells me today that she saw something move in her living room last night, Yaw was asleep, was it a mouse, was it a roach ...  none of the above, she woke Yaw up which in itself was a miracle as he sleeps like the dead, he looks and yells 'its a snake' Gifty calls her neighbour who of course can not find anything, maybe he was afraid too and did not look, Gifty tries Adu but no answer, she calls Adu's friend who calls Adu who was sleeping, Adu calls Gifty and asks ... is she sure, she just kept repeating,,please come, please come. The short version .. it was a small cobra which now has join all other good snakes in snake heaven. She was prepared to go to her brother's if it was not found to sleep, so maybe me find a  4 inch roach is really not a big deal  


  1. Yikes. NOT what you want to find anywhere in your home.

  2. I guess I would fret until I found how it got in, plug every space with steel wool if I could not find and calking material

  3. Are. You glad now to be coming home? Not sure if you her Jack Perce died April 19th. Funeral tomorrow. Will be good to catch up but must advise not really warm here yet.

  4. leaving tomorrow, will be back in Toronto on Thursday
    not looking forward to the cold and I understand there is snow in some places, Tanya has my long underwear out and ready to put on which I will probably wear until June.... better than a cobra in my living room I suppose lol
