Monday, April 11, 2016

Chapter 2: ARRIVAL

so Friday I left the house at 630am, at bus station by seven, waited for bus to fill all the seats (one gets there early to get a front seat and then waits until all the seats are sold) at 815am .... we are off, we got to Wasa Akrobong at 530/6 pm, Daniel picked us up and he was taking us to Jemi's mother's house to say hello.
Yep, meet and greet time after travelling for hours
on route we see
moving in Ghana - the shed is on a wagon with car tires, with one pulling the handle and five pushing,
works like a charm and no moving fees

We climb up over a wall of dirt to get to the house, yep lots of creativity with canes and crutch, Gifty, me and Daniel,

meet Jemi's Mom with two grand kids

Meet Daniel's Mom with her sister, Aunt to Daniel
Daniel's Mom broke her wrist the same day I did my ankle in, went to a traditional medical person, she has an unusual  lump (bone displaced, I think), Traditional said it was because she is old, the good news is she can move it fine and it does not hurt, what more can one ask for

Many women cooking and chatting 

Gifty and I sitting trying to look and act presentable
A little one distracted from eating

Bride -Jemi

Finally got to hotel, they brought supper from the house, Gifty and I had our own room, at 9 pm I laid down in my clothes to have a nap to get enough energy to get ready for bed and ..... got up in the morning


  1. What an interesting day the 2 of you had. riding in a bus/baggage car -- maneuvering canes, crutch and boot while climbing the earthworks , being your gracious selves before crashing.

  2. gracious ... is a bit of a stretch but we tried, actually they were very kind to us
