Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chapter 4: Bride's house

this will have no pics, it was held at her Uncle's house ... path up the hill to get there and the road to get there was impossible to navigate with a car, as a result I could not get there.
never thought to send Ipad with someone  .........     oopsy brain hiccup

roads are like construction path in Canada,,
 just dirt and ruts where ever and the driver picks his way through using the whole road.
this road is getting concrete drainage ditches whereas up until now the water takes the path of least resistance
 and goes all over

this is where the actual deed, the marriage happens, The Groom's family bring gifts for the Bride's family, cloth, money, household articles (I have to guess in previous times it would include cattle)  and ask for the Bride. Her family can accept or reject the offerings, brothers can say they want more, any combination of rejections, so when the gifts are accepted, then they are married traditionally and many couples just do this and nothing more, I am told the couple has already been to the registry office to check as to whether they have had  been married before (I guess like getting a license in Canada).


  1. I never thought about our tradition of showers but I suppose it was a way of the community supporting the establishment of a new household. Will Daniel and Jemi be living with her family, so the gifts will be hers to use?

  2. No, they will be living in Sunyani. Jemi is a teacher and will finish this school year (till the end of July) I do not know where she is teaching but it is not in Sunyani. So they will not live together until August while both sets of parents live elsewhere. I think this is becoming more common that the children work where they can find it and as a result start to scatter the family about the country.
