Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The winds blew, The thunder clapped, The lighting flashed, And the rains came, LOUDLY AND HARD especially on the tin roof AND the hydro went out, storms here are very noisy affairs. I went to the Hanukkah Children’s Home today, it is in the outskirts of Sunyani. Moses is the Director; it is funded through fund raising by his in-laws in Holland. There are 40 kids, from newborn to 18 years, more girls than boys; a premature newborn, 3 weeks old is there because her family cannot afford to feed her what she needs as a preemie, she was very little but very cute, maybe 5-6 pounds if that. The kids I saw, looked well nourished, clothes a bit mismatched, staff busy doing chores and the place was well kept. I was impressed. Moses works because he feels called to care for children and to offer them a better place than their home was for them. He also goes to remote villages when needed to build houses, drill wells, and build toilets so I asked if I could go with him to see. I hope it happens soon. There were 6 volunteers from Holland there; I gather volunteers come for a month to three months just to help out. No pics allowed which I respect but I asked if one day to take some so I can tell their story back home… maybe. When I asked him, other than money what does he need: Pampers and NAN baby formula, one of the brands here. I hope to get some folks here to buy some. The funeral is this Saturday for the priest that died. I gather it is up north? Not know how far but I am sure it will be an all-day event. There is much scurrying around in getting ready in the office. Well storm has passed, hydro is on and all is well

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


as I sit under the mango tree, the school next door has practicing marching and playing the drums for days now in preparation for Independence Day on March 4th, I wonder if the kids get any book learning on these many days of marching around the school yard ??? I am outside to connect to the bishop's internet as the portable modem can get costly, it is really handy though dishes and laundry yet to do and then try to organize a visit to the orphanage

Sunday, February 24, 2013

all women

was invited to visit a RC convent, met them at the Profession of Vows service and it ended up there were 2 communities there, one from Poland and the other was created by the Archdiocese of Sunyani, started by the former archbishop thinking that visiting orders go home and leave whereas if the order was made up of women from Sunyani, they will stay, great idea, anyway it was interesting and when we were leaving I suggested that someone pray and they insisted the priest pray, (very conditioned would be my read to the priest being the only one who should pray) very caring women and they all get up before 5am - that would kill any idea I had for joining, please note::::we still have hydro from this afternoon, it is lovely having the fan :) :) :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Sat 1130am still no hydro but here is a pic of the wardrobe, pretty snazzy if I do say so myself

Friday, February 22, 2013


got antenna, still only two channels but both are clear only 3 hours of hydro in the last 30 hours so who cares how many channels on tv I wish we knew when the power was going to be off as then we could get ready, ie boil water ahead, cook for the next 2 meals you know .....basic stuff tonight in the middle of teaching a class on pastoral care, we are sitting in the dark so moved class from my place to the veranda of the diocesean centre as they are on a separate system so the porch light was on, then just dealt with the bugs now , in the dark, a wet cloth around my neck, wishing for the fan as hopes springs eternal, and reading a downlaod from the library, I really have it good you know with my electronic goodies. got wardrobe set up yesterday but need to find hangers, too hot to walk to the market and the bishop is away therefore so is the driver as well I need some screws or nails to put up the curtains, maybe tomorrow... thank goodness for frosted glass on the glass louvers till later...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


it is hotter than the hub of ...., sweat dripping off my face while I sit here quietly, even my former landlady was complaining so still have boxes, no curtain up yet as I need nails for the end of the wire to hold them up, still need bamboo pole to install my tv antennae, so for now it sits on the garbage pail and it is connected, wardrobe put together tomorrow, it came in a box so I guess it is like Ikea stuff,fridge up and running when the hydro is on which is it NOT AT THE MOMENT so no fan. fridge came with a scrapper, I have not defrosted a fridge for years but I am sure it is the same drill, kitchen cupboard coming next week, in time it will come together, pics front court yard, front door, kitchen end of big room, living room end of big room bedroom, bathroom to toilet, bathroom to shower no what more could I ask for??? right .... the fan working would be heaven

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Moving to my bunky tomorrow, packing which I really do not like doing pictures when I get moved in

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Churching of woman

had a Churching of a woman whose name was Mary and ground nut soup with chicken and rice for lunch (I will get the recipe and serve it with my famous grilled cheese sandwiches this summer)

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Sr. Sabina Pinamang Boffah of the Order of the Holy Paraclete professed life vows today at the cathedral. the 10am service started at 1040 and ended at 130pm. She said her vows to the bishop and she was given girdle (black rope belt) with three knots reminding her of the 3 vows of her Order:Poverty, celibacy and obedience. She also was given ring as a symbol of life long fidelity to God. The Rev. Canon Leonard Abbah from the Order of the Holy Cross in Toronto was the preacher. reminded me of ordination. I sat with the Prioress Sr. Dorothy Stella who had come from the Mother House in Whitby UK for the occasion. If anyone can explain if there is a way to lighten pictures I could use it as you see above

Friday, February 15, 2013

Getting ready to move

the bunky that is being built for me to call home is almost finished so I went furniture shopping today store called Melcom, somewhat like Walmart. Bishop came with me. since there are no closets, got a wardrobe, wanted dresser but it was worn from being on the floor and they would not reduce it enough for me to live with the boo boos Got a table and chairs (like the kind on the patio) nesting end tables and a TV, they wanted me to buy a flat screen +++++cedis$ but I do not have one at home and the other kind is just fine + antennae to put on the roof (will be able to see more channels than snow and 2 channels I have now)and got a small fridge with a freezer, so it is all in the spare bedroom at the bishop's place, I am sure he will be glad when I get settled my present landlady is sad that I am moving, I will be glad to be able to prepare meals which at the moment is pretty difficult. soon I will land. :) :) :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Since half of the world's cocoa comes from Ghana, the government has made 14th February National Day for Chocolate to encourge Ghanians to eat cocoa products. Lots of red toys etc for sale but most stalls have chocolate bars as well. I had some chocolate spread for bread which I ate off the spoon, it was the best that I could do. The hydro is coming and going this evening so I sit with a wet cloth around my neck to keep cool which works like a charm. I hope everyone had a good day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


We had 2 services 530am and 6pm, guess which one I attended ???? We had a said service, a little different order than at home but the same ingredients, I think, as much of it was in the local language. BUT this morning probably at 10am, I arrived late as I did not know about it, all the kids from the jr high School were at the service for them to hear about Ash Wedneday and Lent, it sounded like a basketball game actually in there, kids were having a great time, maybe because they got out of class ... you think!!!! so the picture is the kids leaving, a little slanted as I was trying be secretive about taking pictures as they are more candid


Went to visit the Rev. Hannah Dhomah yesterday where she lives in Nkoranza. Hannah and I met 15 years ago when I was at St. Stephen's, Downsview and she was in Canada. She returned to Ghana and then was a candidate for ordination in the Diocese of Sunyani. I attended her graduation from St. Nicholas Seminary in Cape Coast, and when she celebrated for the first time at St. Barnabas in Nkoranza a few years ago.She at present is off on Medical Leave. It was great fun to reminisce and catch up on life's news.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Barclay's Bank

I had money transfered to my new account that took many visits to get organized and today I wanted to withdraw some money SO I ask the guard (there are several in and outside the bank, so I speak to the one that is closest to the tellers and ask him how to withdraw money. He refers me to a fellow who is sharing a desk, everyone shares a desk except the manager. so he (desk sharer) takes me to the woman who is sitting outside the mgrs office, actually she had her own desk and the room was like a closet.(its best feature was that it did have a small window) So I ask how to withdraw money,she asks,did I have I have a bank book.. no well in that case I have to write a letter to the bank asking to withdraw money, you are kidding I say and she say no then fellow(shared desk) says he will look to see whether my bank book has come so they gve me sheet of paper and and I write something like ..I would like to withdraw X amount of money from my acct,give number and sign it not good enough, it needs to look like a letter, address date etc I tell then I need another piece of paper I write very nicely in my best business letter form and writing, address, date, to whom it may concern etc about getting money Is that one ok is deemed to be perfect she leaves and comes back and write what looks like a withdrawal slip with carbon paper and all, then needs my passport to photocopy, staples it all together,puts three stamps on the letter (ink and pad type)initials the stamps and asks me to follow her to the teller where I got my money, woo hoo !!!!!, only took 35 minutes, remember it is ok for it to take time, has a/c FYI just in case you ever need to know if you ever want to withdraw money from Barclays in Sunyani write out what looks like a withdrawal slip fom your savings bank book (which looks like a cheque book), get in line and present it to the teller and you will get you money ta ta !!!! this whole thing would be a very funny sitcom skit, dont you think??????

Sunday, February 10, 2013

life is good

a little food, a little rest and the football game has ended...Nigeria won the cup and I am back on track, no idea why I got off but not matter at this point

heat no snow

thank goodness it is the afternoon, second service I became dizzy while preaching, sermon got shortened as most people did not understand English anyway so the translated version was going to be more meaningful to more. I guess it was the heat. I am taking it easy this pm resting up for the big game tonight. as I sit in fornt of the fan ...... it is very nice the level "B" english movies are sooooooo amaturish, they are dubbed as well.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

watching the games

Ghana lost to Mali, to be honest Mali dominated the game, tonight is the finals. Nigeria vs Burkino Faso I can hardly wait .... you realize I never watch this at home but here well ..... when in Rome so they say

Friday, February 8, 2013

planning a funeral for a priest

my goodness, details discussed that never happen back home like how to get the body from the morgue to the church for the funeral solution wrap the body, tuck it in the back of the cathedral van and have the casket maker deliver the casket to the church for the night before the funeral who is going to pay for the casket? who is providng food after the funeral for the priests and wives where are the robes that the priests will dress the body with going to come from the priest died before I got here in mid January and the funeral is March 4th, it takes a while to get things organized so got back and saw a group of Sunday school teachers having a workshop,came outside to have a photo taken, they were clearly having fun!1111 pics one along the road to the mtg second the teachers trying out curriculm ideas

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ghana out


barclays ATM card success!!!!

only took 55 minutes as the money transfer from Canada has arrived But could not get internet banking going while in the manager's office, she says it depends on where you are to get the link to function, oh hum I guess I just withdrasome money and I will see what the balance is, more than one way to skin a cat so to speak.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I am watching the African Cup in the semi finals, Ghana is leading because of a very controversal penalty. I bought myself a present today, there is a ceilng fan in the rom but it is not over the bed sooooooooooooo I bought a floor fan that blows directly on me ..... I have arrived in heaven went to see two villages with bishop and his wife Felicia o consider where to try to establish a medical clinic - in the first one most of the houses were made with mud bricks and tin roof, it was quite desolate looking - the second one had house made of concrete blocks and tin roof, it seemed as though there was considerable building of new places going on if I was to pick it would be the first one, it look in more need to me. they are both about 15 minutes as the crow flies from Sunyani. That may seem s short distance to get to the hospital but there are not many vehicles and I woulf guess not much money for a taxi, I guess time will tell as to what happens tomorrow I plan to go to the bank, Barclys for probably the 10 x, I am quite know by the security at this point. I opened an account and wanted to have internet banking but an not get into the acct, and they have not issued me a bank card for the ATM I giess I will be there at leat 1 1/2 to 2 hours, the good news is that there is A/C :) :) :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

let off the hook

After having time trying to see how 'celebrating the eucharist' at the cathedral ufolds and thinking about how I have only seen it 3x, I asked the bishop today that I not be the celebrant yet, I told him I would not be good. The trouble for me is that the service does not follow order in the prayer book,some of the prayers are different than what is printed so making an attempt to do a decent job is not something I can accomplish by Sunday, so someone else will celebrate and I will preach. I think this is the best for the parishioners and me too. I hope, with time a system unfolds and makes sense to me.

St. Peter;s School, Berekum

I visit the school site today. There has been a delay as the plans have been modified so a larger school is being built as the surrounding community is growing. Raising money and keeping on track is a very slow journey but they continue to move foreward, The school is to be named in memory of a former priest, the Rev Ben Smith. I feel quite reassured as his widow is monitoring the spending and building progress. Building is a very slow process here

Monday, February 4, 2013

learning never ends

Watching the 11pm news which consists of the someone reading articles from the newspaper, a picture of the paper is put up on the screen with the headline of the article. Many of the tv program (there are 3 channels to choose from with one really snowy)are educational in nature (today was cancer of the cervix day) pictures and treatments and screening are all covered. I think there are a fairly significant population that cannot read so this is like standing on the corner like the Town Crier I suppose. But Football (soccer) is shown live and I have announced that I must be home by 230 on Wednesday as Ghana is playing in the quarter finals with the second set playing at 530pm Ghana won last week by sheer luck as they played terrible but got one point on a penalty kick and the other when the other goalie had been pulled. We will see this week if they are better. I spent 2 hours tonight in a liturgical lesson to preach and celebrate at the cathedral this Sunday, I drew the line at starting a brethren, I said ..I just cannot say it so it will be my brothers and sisters, the singing will be pretty bad as it has been a long time since I learned some of it in seminary and, then I was not that good. The little tests that one meets along the road eh!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Politics this week the government was interviewing candidates for Ministerial posts, shown on tv A lawyer who has clearly done considerable advocacy work was clear that she would fight for gays to have their basic human rights defended, this has created a flurry of talk show conversations that she is supporting the gay life style. Every day there are very animated discussion as to whether she is ssupporting the gay life style or is she fighting for everyone including gays must be given their basic human rights as set out in the constitution the RC archbishop was going on about the evil nature of the gay life style, against a lawyer talking about basic rights for all in Ghana, those in jail, women and those who are gay, it is not against the law to be gay, it is against the law to live that life style and the struggle goes on ............

Friday, February 1, 2013


yeserday, Thursday I deleted the pics in error of course, from this visit, will try to get more but until then pictures in Yamfo, the Anglican Diocese of its one and only secondary school. There are 700 students, actually more girls than boys but of the 146 graduates last year, 18 went on to university, none were girls. This school I was told has limited resources so does not draw the high level achievers to attend. The advantage of compleing high school is that one can apply for government positions, otherwise you would resort to a non regular job eg trading in the market, There are two scholarships available each year, which only cover tuition and board, does not include uniforms, books and anything else they might need which amounts to about $200.00. It seems as though the very poor have no chance of ever getting out of the poverty cycle. The total cost for a student who has no money is $500.00 year for 3 years. If anyone would like to raise funds to cover a girl to attend for three years = $1500.00 I would ensure that she was selected well and I will personally follow her progress. If there are any teachers who would like to twin with thi school for a cultural exchange, I can forward on your email.