Friday, February 2, 2018

Adventure in Technicolour

Clergy and wives retreat for Thursday to Sunday in Kintampo, to be there by 5pm. 
Van to leave cathedral at 1pm but van is in the repair shop, so leave at 530pm, cram all the luggage in, people get seated and we are off. one pit stop and then around 8pm a big noise from the van, I think maybe it is a blown tire but it is something with the drive shaft. We are between towns on the side of the road ... then ...  there is problem solving the situation. It gets decided that one person will return to the previous village/town  by taxi to see if he can round up a van to complete the journey. No luck so he gets someone to contact back one more town, Techiman to see if there is someone there with a van to get us to our destination. We sit on the side of the road for an hour before the rescue van arrives, pack all the luggage and we are off again. I am generously given the shot gun seat at the front as usual. This new driver  ...  drives very fast, no street lights, rides about one car length behind transport trucks until an opportunity to pass, my brake foot was working overtime. Now the road is excellent as I was informed its an International Road as it is the gateway to Burkino Fasco and Mali where sits Timbuktu. Arrive at the Falls Palace Hotel at 945pm I was supposed to lead Compline at 9 but oopsy, I was missing in action. Very tired (hence did not write this up last night) but my big concern was supper, we got fed well, hotel is very nice and even hot water in the shower yipeeee! Not had since I left Canada.

If you want to see the Kintampo Falls, (I know it is not Niagara Falls but a very nice setting) I would recommend staying here.

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