Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ash Wednesday, Valentine's Day all in one day

it is quieter at 6 am, the sun is not up and it is cooler   but I prefer to sleep past it

Valentine Day not celebrated that I saw

went to see progress of the barber shop today with Mary
my goodness it is moving right along
They are incorporating the barber shop along with a display space for the goods that they make so hence more that one room being built
I did not know that they have men learning how to weave Kente cloth. Rotary Club have put in 10 weaving looms  Yea Rotary!    and the are cloth is being sold. I was speaking with the supervisor about weaving cloth to be used for stoles so we are going to discuss colours next week, a sample of cloth on top and sandles which are also made here below

samples of sandles
sanding off the rough edge of the sole
 (made from recycle tires)

looms for Kente cloth, the end extends 12 or so feet as they make the clothe in long thin strips and then sew the strips together, about 22 strips will make clothe for a traditional cloth 
for a man to wear somewhat like a toga
LIKE THIS is the best pic I can find on internet at the moment 
I will try an take a photo on Sunday

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