Saturday, February 10, 2018


gari, something I had never heard of before today. it is plantain dried and ground up, ends up with a consistency like powered milk, it is used as a thickener in soups and stews or can be sprinkled on top of stew when on the plate, no really much taste to me anyway, lots of recipes from Nigeria on line
Gifty a friend, lives an amazing life, not letting anything or anyone to hold her back, last Satuday she was carrying a full kettle of boiling water to add to her bath and it dropped with boiling water on her foot and ankle. NO skin was burned, a miracle to be sure. We have discussed her having a trolley on wheels that she can push while using her crutches. a carpenter I met yesterday and told him the story and today a trolley on wheels arrived, it is so perfect and she is excited to get it, delivery will be Monday then she will be able to move things with less chance of anything falling

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