Saturday, February 24, 2018

ordination to the priesthood and installation of 4 lay canons

I will talk about the service in two parts as I can not get all the pics off the I pad for some reason  ??
for a 9am service, matins started after 10
waiting to line up, 

very prescribe order, verger, thurifer and boat boy acolytes and cross, torch bearers, wardens, MC, the clergy (priests, canons in order of years of service, Priest assisting, Litanist, Deacon an Sub deacon, Cathedral chapter, Archdeacons, Dean;Deacons of Honour, Bishop's Chaplain, Bishop, Chancellor, Registrar, Presenting Archdeacon, Lay Canons designate, Ordinand
(we receive communion in the order of seniority as well)
and we processed in about 1030 am       (guess when the service ended)                                     

Choir in robes and high school choir in white

The lay canons were installed (using the rite from the Diocese of Toronto uses)                           
                                              Lay Canons signing in front of the chancellor

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