Monday, February 19, 2018

Its raining, its pouring....

I don't think it has rained since I got here. I love the smell of rain, fresh.
slept in till 930,  catching up on not sleeping Saturday night
- also had a look at the barber shop when I was there, the roof is going on this week, I guess maybe a little late for today's rain
 - worked out an order of Kente with the supervisor of the weaving. he has a face book page if you want to look.  Quality kente and smock from Sunyani central prison  not highlighted but I wanted it to stand out. the fabric is sent even to Europe now, 'brilliant idea' and he started it by buying one loom himself as there was a man there who knew how to weave, then Rotary came in to provide 11 more looms, now they have 12 weavers.   real good news story eh!
I will show the patterns as they are made as they are going to be turned into stoles, for sale of course and if you seen one you like you can let me know and I will put it away for you, not got to the price as of yet.
used this stole for length and design suggestion

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