Sunday, February 4, 2018

Home again

Retreat went very well, speaker was great, Canon Patrick Okaijah-Bortier from Accra Diocese.
Many yesterday went to see the Kintampo Falls. I basked in the A/c of my room instead, quite nice if I do say so. Today we had mass St. Stephen's Kintampo, Canon Patrick preached,

church was plastered block walls maybe 20 x 40, tin roof, all the rafters showing, concrete floor, chairs in rows, altar at one end up on a one step elevation.  glass louvers for windows, outside is hard red soil, with a building next door for Sunday School. Very basic but had the essentials.
They gave Patrick a gift as a thank you gift. called a smock with a hat to match.

Here he is with Bishop and Mother Superior

we got a 'take away' lunch (rice, chicken or fish, salad) in  foam clam box with water to drink. I was asked by the bishop to ride home in his car as there were more people wanting to go in the van.
I was very fortunate as the van broke down again in Techiman. I was home, a little tired and had showered before they rolled
..... good weekend

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