Friday, February 23, 2018

Compassion Group

attended a workshop this morning  by the Compassion Society (a group that focuses efforts to children in poverty), it was well presented, talked about leadership in the church for the morning and a description about Compassion for the afternoon. using the figures they gave,only 2.5% of donations are used for administration which is very good, they support children through the church, 40 churches in this area are involved and there are over 2000 kids being supported, a very impressive group. the age starts in infancy until age 22 yrs with specific  measurable goals, I will admit a few of the measures were not  ones that I would have at the top of the list (from a North American perspective) but not my program and it seems to be very successful for the kids  and that's what counts

new blouse to go with a skirt I brought with me from Giant Tiger for 10 bucks
157 looked at the blog from Italy today  ??????

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