Saturday, November 16, 2013


We have not had water for 3 days and I came home to find I can now have a shower as the water is back on, you know the smallest things, like having water come out of the tap really puts me in a good mood :) :) :)


  1. did you used the bagged water you usually buy for guests to wash with instead? or should I send you one of those camping shower tree contraptions when I send you your shopping bag with wheels?! lol

  2. tree contraptions would work but where do I get the water from, I buy water to drink but it comes in 1/2 liter bags, that would take a lot of them to have a shower, I just wait like everyone else, thanks goodness it does not happen often

  3. Wow - the things we take for granted, hm??

  4. At least you had water to drink. :)
