Friday, November 8, 2013

Interesting meeting

Group from Nigeria who present programs on Deliverance met with Bishop and others today. Unfortunately I will back in Canada when it takes place. I felt out of my comfort zone in a space I am very uncomfortable with. Their track record is very good and work with all denominations including Anglican. They had very good strategies on who should attend and how the week will unfold backed up with personal experience. I was left with much food for thought.


  1. Sorry for putting this here, Betty, but I can't find your email address. Thought you would want to know that Ethel Fulford passed away Monday (Nov 4).

  2. Is this a revival type group? dr

  3. I think it has to do with healing and delivering from demons, when I asked about medical situations being healed as a nurse he said they have a medical doctor on their team. ..given that the literature says that 75 % of all the ailments that take a person to see the doctor are psychosomatic I can see some room for validity but the jury is still out for me in many ways... the mission will last a week and be geared to the leadership in each parish so they can continue at the parish level...too bad I will not be here
