Thursday, November 21, 2013

found at the market

I saw these vegetables that I thought looked like yams, I am looking for another starch other than rice.(the pasta here sucks)saw these vegetables that I thought were Yams. a big pile was the amount usually purchased. there is only me and 7 or 8 would go bad so I picked up 3, the gal was very confused as to how much to charge me so gave her 1 cedi (45 cents). Got them home and they smelled sooo bad that I left them on the table to throw them out. Today have a visit from Mother Felicia's sister Docia (nurse, works at St, Mikes, lives in Brampton, been in Canada since 89)during our conversation I asked her what they were and why the smell. She washes them, says they are white sweet potatoes, peels one and cuts it up and we were going to cook it to see but the hydro is off so they sit in water. they did get cooked, quite dry but with a little salt, pepper, garlic salt, and margarine --- I ate the whole cooked one.

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