Friday, November 1, 2013


5, MASS, MY GOODNESS IT WAS EARLY The dean is giving the opening prayer at the Launch of a Program for " PREVENTION OF MOTHER TO CHILD TRANSMISSION" to be held on the grounds of the Local Hospital, 10 minutes walk from the cathedral. so I tag along just to see. It is a program across Africa where all the First Ladies (wives of men ruling the country) have got together to put this together across all countries.
we wear a
lbs, arrive at 8 thinking it was to start at 8 but the program says 900AM, Dean gets prayer organized and we sit, Many many groups of women come, many part of a group that is supporting this cause. Chiefs and Queen Mothers arrive after 930
we get going by 10 and the Dean opens with prayer
Speeches and more introductionsHer Excellancy Mrs. Lordina Dramani Mahama The First Lady arrives with police, army and sirens. She goes around the whole place and shakes the hand of those in the first row and I GOT TO SHAKE HER HAND
There was a skit showing visiting the doctor
the First Lady spoke and then thank yous and prayer to conclude. Home by shortly after noon