Sunday, November 24, 2013


I was asked by Fr. Martin (Bishop's chaplain, teaches at the Polytechnic and is the Anglican chaplain there as well) to speak to the Anglican students. Well yes, he hesitantly asked if I would go for 630am (for sure I am losing my reputation that I hate mornings) Yesterday Bismark (the grad who was picking me up) said 645 would be fine and arrival was 715. Fr Martin asked me to speak about being Anglican, it's merits etc. ...... So there service is held on campus, a building with three class rooms facing the road, each class has a different denomination in it, all with loud music, loud long praying, all competing for the sound space....... our service started with singing in local language and then prayers and then the gospel and then I was up. I had never met these folks so for me a dialogue would be better than a sermon or lecture and the floor was open that they could ask any question faith based or not. Ended the offertory, more prayers and the dismissal, the refreshments. They are great kids, a few graduating in the spring, one new girl today, they really were quite engaged, great fun Bismark asked if I would come back, maybe offer a workshop to help them, they are not all in the same course so I have no idea what the topic could , time will tell, got back home around 930 .....

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