Sunday, November 10, 2013

Installation of new Canons

yesterday had service of Installation of two new canons at the cathedral. The Rev. Fr. Joseph Agyemang and the Rv. Fr. Dr.Joe Eyison..... Joseph is with the Dean after he put the Canon Cassock on...... a matins service with the installation piece. There is a list of robes that a canon must have, 3 cassocks(black, white and cream) all with red piping, black cincture (the belt) with red piping and a cream coloured cope plus a Beretta (a 4 sided black hat with a red pompom...... service a very impressive affair and short services here do not exist so 3 hours with no Eucharist, not bad eh!..... Mother Felicia (Bishop's wife is in the white and the bishop is the last pic. Good time had be all

1 comment:

  1. what a wardrobe requirement different from here. Beretta too seems very RC LD
