Monday, November 4, 2013

Its Monday

a bit of work in the office, got my online banking organized with the help of the bishop shopping with the car' Betsy the Tank" she is an old Mitsubishi, windshield looks like a spiders web, the metal in the drivers seat grabs your hip upon entering, emerg are dreaming steering lost power ????? years ago it feels, but the good news it starts, it goes, and one does not have to carry heavy parcels when it is used. sounds like a plan to me Village Health Centre Since the Bishop heard nothing from the Elders from the first visit, Bishop, Mother Felicia and I went out for the second visit to the village. Bishop spoke to different folks today, I am wonder if part of what is happening is like a test, do we really mean what we say and will we hang in so hence the seeming run around, this is a process that will probably take time Wardrobe so one of the reasons I used to car was to buy a wardrobe, no closets create a challenge. got it home and was quite excited to put it together so I can put away stuff from the floor and out of the suitcases I have put things together before so thought I would count the parts before I got going....not all there so take it back and hopefully get another..stay tuned


  1. Seems like hurray up and wait. about the medical posts. the wardrobe well a good jig saw puzzles is always a challenge.

  2. how come all of the cars you drive, even those that aren't yours, are named betsy?!

  3. Betsy
    I guess that way I never call it by the wrong name lol
