Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I with Joseph (new canon from Saturday) went to the Cultural Centre (building under renovations so no pics) to meet with the drum maker Daniel, ordered a drum and will pick it up a week Friday (I will call Thursday just to make sure to be done) Lunch on the way home fried plantain, white beans in a spicy sauce and two pieces of chicken, enough for two meals so just finished the second half for supper. that with a bottle of water and a coke = 10 Ghana Cedis ( about $5.00 Canadian) so $2.50 a meal and I did not have to cook !!!!!!!!!!! Bishop at meetings in Cape Coast this week and on vacation next week...... Decided today to not go to the Consecration on Sunday ... I am preaching Saturday out of town, it is a 7 hour bus ride to Cape Coast, that all before bed on Saturday night, a long service on Sunday and a 7 hour bus ride home, I regret not going but it seems like a lot of bus riding ..... so I got an assignment from the Dean to attend the service at the Polytechnic(a university where there is a Anglican Chaplain(Fr. Martin) I think will be neat to be there

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