Thursday, November 28, 2013


wanted to send the drums to Canada, so yesterday got former merchandise boxes from Melcomes (store like Wal Mart), had to pay for them actually,(would that not be a bummer if we had to pay for things like liquor boxes that \I am sure we have all used to move at one time or another) anyway box was too big so cut it down and put it back together with red duck tape(who ever invented that stuff I hope made a lot of money, no one should go any where without duck tape) so pack some cloth and a sheet around the drums so they do not move, because the box is held together with tape I thought I would cover the whole thing with cloth and sew it to keep the box together using dental floss as the thread ,,, very sturdy stuff, only took a couple of hours ... then covered with plastic get to the post office today and after a bit of rerouting I never start out at the correct place .even though I was with the driver. the correct place tells me I have to show them what is in the box and I should not have closed it and they need to see the contents ,,,there goes my sewing job. I was willing to just use a knife , open a side and the figure out how to tape it back together BUT the staff who checks these things was not there so I needed to wait........ I had a picture of the drums on my camera and showed that to the staff, that along with the driver emphasizing that I was a priest at the cathedral (I would never lie to them would I???) anyway the good news was I did not have to open the box ..whew so it should arrive in 10 days give or take they told me .........


  1. someone figured out how to use italics today, lol :-)

  2. Bet it cost less to ship them from Ghana to Canada than it would to ship the other direction!

    And you might find this article interesting. Read to the end...

  3. thanks Christine
    he is one of the most faithful person I know but oh so human
