Saturday, November 30, 2013

New postulant in Order of the Holy Paraclete

off at 7 with the Dean to their home (Resurrection House) for the service to admit a new postulant (it is one year after which they are a novitiate for 2 years) nice mass in their chapel and breakfast followed. Her name is Sister Benedicta Anne, very sweet girl
..... Sr. and Sr. Mavis (head of the house) .....
...... me reading the Gospel.......
...... the Dean celebrating looks cloudy due to the amount of incense that was there (like a foggy foggy day on the moors).....
.... everybody outside the chapel...
........ Sister Benedicta

using the car

remember in the spring the car. Betsy with a few issues (before driving, connect the battery lead and add water to the rad) so here is Matthias doing the prep work..... went to the bank, used ATM and then Betsy would not start..... of course everyone around were trying under the hood to solve the problem after I called the bishop to send the driver... since there was no battery I figured the lead needed to be rapped but the wrench in the door pocket was gone so we waited while the helpers continued to try to fix it. Matthias comes, raps the lead and the car started,,, so the moral of this story is that the wrench or its equivalent needs appear in the door pocket
........ ps an implement is now in the door pocket

Thursday, November 28, 2013


wanted to send the drums to Canada, so yesterday got former merchandise boxes from Melcomes (store like Wal Mart), had to pay for them actually,(would that not be a bummer if we had to pay for things like liquor boxes that \I am sure we have all used to move at one time or another) anyway box was too big so cut it down and put it back together with red duck tape(who ever invented that stuff I hope made a lot of money, no one should go any where without duck tape) so pack some cloth and a sheet around the drums so they do not move, because the box is held together with tape I thought I would cover the whole thing with cloth and sew it to keep the box together using dental floss as the thread ,,, very sturdy stuff, only took a couple of hours ... then covered with plastic get to the post office today and after a bit of rerouting I never start out at the correct place .even though I was with the driver. the correct place tells me I have to show them what is in the box and I should not have closed it and they need to see the contents ,,,there goes my sewing job. I was willing to just use a knife , open a side and the figure out how to tape it back together BUT the staff who checks these things was not there so I needed to wait........ I had a picture of the drums on my camera and showed that to the staff, that along with the driver emphasizing that I was a priest at the cathedral (I would never lie to them would I???) anyway the good news was I did not have to open the box ..whew so it should arrive in 10 days give or take they told me .........

Tuesday, November 26, 2013



Monday, November 25, 2013

pictures from Canon Agyemang celebration

just got them.... woman reading is Joseph's wife..... gentleman in green suit was the promoter for the fundraising,,, third priest was the regional dean,.... fellow with clergy collar was a Pentecostal pastor who translated my were the choir from the Anglican high school in Sunyani who I travelled with.... cant get rid of duplicate pic ?????

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I was asked by Fr. Martin (Bishop's chaplain, teaches at the Polytechnic and is the Anglican chaplain there as well) to speak to the Anglican students. Well yes, he hesitantly asked if I would go for 630am (for sure I am losing my reputation that I hate mornings) Yesterday Bismark (the grad who was picking me up) said 645 would be fine and arrival was 715. Fr Martin asked me to speak about being Anglican, it's merits etc. ...... So there service is held on campus, a building with three class rooms facing the road, each class has a different denomination in it, all with loud music, loud long praying, all competing for the sound space....... our service started with singing in local language and then prayers and then the gospel and then I was up. I had never met these folks so for me a dialogue would be better than a sermon or lecture and the floor was open that they could ask any question faith based or not. Ended the offertory, more prayers and the dismissal, the refreshments. They are great kids, a few graduating in the spring, one new girl today, they really were quite engaged, great fun Bismark asked if I would come back, maybe offer a workshop to help them, they are not all in the same course so I have no idea what the topic could , time will tell, got back home around 930 .....

Saturday, November 23, 2013


dust is a major factor as the soil is red, the wind blows lots and there is lots of open ground for the dust to be picked up. It means dust settles on everything as the louvers on the windows are never closed tight (actually you cant) so I keep my printer covered with colourful pillowcase to keep out the dust, this is a dream land for 'Swiffers' SO cleaning is the order for today.
..... guess what...... a month tomorrow is Christmas eve.... got all your shopping done? lol

Thursday, November 21, 2013

found at the market

I saw these vegetables that I thought looked like yams, I am looking for another starch other than rice.(the pasta here sucks)saw these vegetables that I thought were Yams. a big pile was the amount usually purchased. there is only me and 7 or 8 would go bad so I picked up 3, the gal was very confused as to how much to charge me so gave her 1 cedi (45 cents). Got them home and they smelled sooo bad that I left them on the table to throw them out. Today have a visit from Mother Felicia's sister Docia (nurse, works at St, Mikes, lives in Brampton, been in Canada since 89)during our conversation I asked her what they were and why the smell. She washes them, says they are white sweet potatoes, peels one and cuts it up and we were going to cook it to see but the hydro is off so they sit in water. they did get cooked, quite dry but with a little salt, pepper, garlic salt, and margarine --- I ate the whole cooked one.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

new 'house' dress

Saw this dress a few days ago and thought I would like sooooo I went shopping. I met the Preceptor's wife and asked how much should it cost, she did not know but came with me and here it is
........ nice eh! and not expensive by Canadian standards

Monday, November 18, 2013

hot sun

now have water so do laundry, dries in a couple of hours sorta neat went to Berekum (about 40 km) where there is a school St. Peters Church is building, I have been raising some funds for a few years so it is actually looking like a building with pillars, a concrete floor and more blocks waiting to become
the walls ..... scenes from surrounding villages within the catchment area for the school Fr. Josiah hopes to start admitting students next September
........... a
...... Fr. Josiah and the Dean .....

Saturday, November 16, 2013


We have not had water for 3 days and I came home to find I can now have a shower as the water is back on, you know the smallest things, like having water come out of the tap really puts me in a good mood :) :) :)

Out of town preaching

Service at 10 so bus with the high school choir to pick me up at 8am, I sit on the veranda of the cathedral and I sit and I sit. 845 I call the priest who arranged the ride, bus is coming, Dean calls as well and the issue is, the first bus is too small so need to organize a bigger bus, arrives at 945, so 1 hour to the church, arrive just before 11, starts at 1115, sermon by noon, Eucharist, during service drank 1 litre of water, a can of Coke, another 3/4 of litre of water, the one advantage of sweating so it drips off your face is that you do not need to look for the nearest facilities as you sweat any moisture in the body out, start a Harvest fund raiser), 115 ending at 215, service ends and then food (thanks be to God I am starving)start for home by 310 and home by 430, great service, lots of music and such energy from the high school choir(they never stop moving, oh..... to be young) I am getting pics sent to my email so will just words for now now I sit in front of the fan, watching WIPEOUT, a reality show that really tests the contestants .... not my cup of tea till the pics arrive....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

and the beat goes on

the local news reported that Rob Ford refused to take a leave of absence...... will it never end and he says he will run again goodness

Sewing project

got time to get to a few housekeeping jobs - brought fabric with me for curtains beside the door, its amazing what can be accomplished with hand sewing,,, like the 1800's before sewing machines or no hydro..... with the
Canadian maple leaf
.......on the left the day view and on the right the night view... Marion, please note fasteners

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I with Joseph (new canon from Saturday) went to the Cultural Centre (building under renovations so no pics) to meet with the drum maker Daniel, ordered a drum and will pick it up a week Friday (I will call Thursday just to make sure to be done) Lunch on the way home fried plantain, white beans in a spicy sauce and two pieces of chicken, enough for two meals so just finished the second half for supper. that with a bottle of water and a coke = 10 Ghana Cedis ( about $5.00 Canadian) so $2.50 a meal and I did not have to cook !!!!!!!!!!! Bishop at meetings in Cape Coast this week and on vacation next week...... Decided today to not go to the Consecration on Sunday ... I am preaching Saturday out of town, it is a 7 hour bus ride to Cape Coast, that all before bed on Saturday night, a long service on Sunday and a 7 hour bus ride home, I regret not going but it seems like a lot of bus riding ..... so I got an assignment from the Dean to attend the service at the Polytechnic(a university where there is a Anglican Chaplain(Fr. Martin) I think will be neat to be there

Monday, November 11, 2013

just read

Maya Angelou's - new book MON AND ME AND MON, I really like her writing so this was a good read


I just noticed the date, Remembrance Day not a day of remembering like in Canada. I have yet to learn how or if it is a day here... will ask

Sunday, November 10, 2013

a little oopsy

after the service yesterday I set the alarm for this am for 645 giving my self 3/4 hour to get ready as it takes 2 minutes to get to the church as I am the preacher ..... I am putting my shoes about 705 and the dean is at my door asking if I am going to church, sure I say I will be there by 730 BUT he says it started at 7am my only comments as I scrambled was...Africa must be getting to me, I am becoming Ghanaian.... since they do a shorten morning prayer before starting the Eucharist I made it by the Old Testament reading and apologize to the Preceptor who was the celebrant....where was my lala land I suppose

Installation of new Canons

yesterday had service of Installation of two new canons at the cathedral. The Rev. Fr. Joseph Agyemang and the Rv. Fr. Dr.Joe Eyison..... Joseph is with the Dean after he put the Canon Cassock on...... a matins service with the installation piece. There is a list of robes that a canon must have, 3 cassocks(black, white and cream) all with red piping, black cincture (the belt) with red piping and a cream coloured cope plus a Beretta (a 4 sided black hat with a red pompom...... service a very impressive affair and short services here do not exist so 3 hours with no Eucharist, not bad eh!..... Mother Felicia (Bishop's wife is in the white and the bishop is the last pic. Good time had be all

Ford in Toronto

I come home to the news here talking about Ford and his latest video, my goodness it does not seem to be getting better

Friday, November 8, 2013

Interesting meeting

Group from Nigeria who present programs on Deliverance met with Bishop and others today. Unfortunately I will back in Canada when it takes place. I felt out of my comfort zone in a space I am very uncomfortable with. Their track record is very good and work with all denominations including Anglican. They had very good strategies on who should attend and how the week will unfold backed up with personal experience. I was left with much food for thought.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Clothes gathered

I visited the Women's Prison in the spring and got friends in Toronto/Barrie to donate clothes so here are the clothes at the prison.
The diocese of hoping to start a program to assist women upon discharge to take a vocational course at a school set up by the Sisters of the Holy Paraclete(Anglican Order here in Sunyani with the Mother House in England) stay tuned .....


Well to continue, returned wardrobe in box but needed to tape it with duck tape as it did not go back as neatly as it come, of course got a new one and a shelf unit with cubby holes AND a sales person offered to come and put them together Now why did I not think of that before SO see below

Monday, November 4, 2013

Its Monday

a bit of work in the office, got my online banking organized with the help of the bishop shopping with the car' Betsy the Tank" she is an old Mitsubishi, windshield looks like a spiders web, the metal in the drivers seat grabs your hip upon entering, emerg are dreaming steering lost power ????? years ago it feels, but the good news it starts, it goes, and one does not have to carry heavy parcels when it is used. sounds like a plan to me Village Health Centre Since the Bishop heard nothing from the Elders from the first visit, Bishop, Mother Felicia and I went out for the second visit to the village. Bishop spoke to different folks today, I am wonder if part of what is happening is like a test, do we really mean what we say and will we hang in so hence the seeming run around, this is a process that will probably take time Wardrobe so one of the reasons I used to car was to buy a wardrobe, no closets create a challenge. got it home and was quite excited to put it together so I can put away stuff from the floor and out of the suitcases I have put things together before so thought I would count the parts before I got going....not all there so take it back and hopefully get another..stay tuned

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm confused

Sunday: service usually 730 and 9 am so I arrive at 730 and no one is there. I find Atta, my next door neighbour who is a server and he tells me the service is 8 because it is Harvest Sunday (Fund raising) so go home, read my latest emails go back for 8, starts about 830. the format is the normal service up to after the sermon at 1045, the Harvest Program begins. many appeals, a variety ways of enticing donations and the Eucharist service continues at noon. At this time we had an lunar eclipse happening so people were coming in and out to see it progress. Christ Church Roches Point, one of the churches where I was this past summer sent some altar linens so they were added to the donations in the Harvest. Pictures is the Dean who received the gift and I. The grand total for today was almost 52,000 Ghana Cedis ($26,000.00)keep in mind I paid chicken- 3 Ghana Cedis/Kilo in market this wk There is merit I see of direct fund raising which does not seem like the Canadian Anglican way.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


530 again, I think I am ruining my reputation on 'not being a morning person' Home for a while and off to the market with Dean's wife - bought chicken, veggies and a fresh pineapple... cut up pineapple in the pot
maybe days from the tree, soft, juice dripping from my chin .... DOLE can not even think to compete

Friday, November 1, 2013


5, MASS, MY GOODNESS IT WAS EARLY The dean is giving the opening prayer at the Launch of a Program for " PREVENTION OF MOTHER TO CHILD TRANSMISSION" to be held on the grounds of the Local Hospital, 10 minutes walk from the cathedral. so I tag along just to see. It is a program across Africa where all the First Ladies (wives of men ruling the country) have got together to put this together across all countries.
we wear a
lbs, arrive at 8 thinking it was to start at 8 but the program says 900AM, Dean gets prayer organized and we sit, Many many groups of women come, many part of a group that is supporting this cause. Chiefs and Queen Mothers arrive after 930
we get going by 10 and the Dean opens with prayer
Speeches and more introductionsHer Excellancy Mrs. Lordina Dramani Mahama The First Lady arrives with police, army and sirens. She goes around the whole place and shakes the hand of those in the first row and I GOT TO SHAKE HER HAND
There was a skit showing visiting the doctor
the First Lady spoke and then thank yous and prayer to conclude. Home by shortly after noon