Wednesday, January 15, 2020

PROGRESS in house settling

things are starting to look organized, TV is in bedroom and the plan is to get a flat screen for the living room when the finances can bear the cost. So I am eating  watching TV sitting on the bed, and I go to put my plate in the kitchen and I see 5 folks talking in the living room, one being the bishop. He says he needed to have the discussion, fine says I and carry on to the kitchen, surprised that people are having a meeting when I did not hear them come in (I REALLY need a door bell because knocking on the door does not get my attention as the house is located in midst of three school and the road goes within 10 feet of the front of the house so I tune out the noise) Anyway eventually the meeting ended and I showed the bishop around and they departed.

so see the progress so far.
 Dining room with curtains

                                         Living room - sheers up
Bedroom coming together with bed made and sheers up


  1. Your African home looks very lovely.enjoy it.

  2. It is very nice and once I get things organized I will enjoy every moment.
