Saturday, January 4, 2020

Prep work

It seems to me the work to live day by day here is so much more labour intensive than in Hamilton.
There is a 4 day retreat for Catechists  starting Monday put on by the Bishop, so the prep for meals starts today. Cleaning chix pieces (I really like mine wrapped in Saran in the meat counter at Sobeys), cleaning each piece so its ready to put on the fire Monday. Note the machete on the table to cut the loose ends off.
The menu for supper today is probably fish as it is on the drill right now. The charcoal burner is like the BBQ with each piece roasting above the coals.I suggest that Florence turn the pieces with a fork but what do I know, she does it by hand
Fufu is being prepared to go with the fish I think. peel and cut up the yam, peel and cut up the plantain, cook each like potatoes, then pound each and then pound each together, 
and voila...FUFU
clean  up is just steps away

and on to today\s supper, so I was incorrect about the fish, there was chicken instead, fufu in the front dish, chicken and peanut sauce in the white dish behind and the blue basin to wash my hands, I eat it with a spoon, a wad about the size of a small double bubble gum and swallow (no need to chew, I made that mistake many years ago but have since learned), whereas traditionally  one would eat it with your right hand and then wash your hand when finished, there is no knife or fork so I get to deal with the chicken with my hand, it was very good and I have asked for the recipe for the peanut soup, mmmmm good, that's what peanut soup is mmmmm good


  1. Hi Betty Crafty Ladies here saying hello. We miss you!!

  2. Hi Betty, I like my plantain fried best of all. In the Caribbean they also call mashed plantain Fufu.
