Sunday, January 12, 2020

Busy busy

went to Kumasi Thursday for curtains and rods, bathroom towel rod etc, sheets, mattresses, 
- met friend of Ebeneezer who took me to many shops to find what I was looking for, while Ebeneezer took the 2 mattresses to the vans that go between the cities and arranged for the mattresses to be brought to Sefwi Wiawso on top of a van as they do not fit in the car we were in.
3 1/2 hours each way, the real killer was hiking to the fourth floor in Malcoms, I quickly found a chair and then noticed the elevator ...   ugh...
Friday went to find a sofa set (sofas are manufactured and sold here as sets including a combination of  a 3 seater, 2 seater and chairs, I found one at a price that I liked and then Saturday went back with the truck to get it. I must admit that I do sleep well after these travel adventures as the roads are broken up in many places, at least three or four speed bumps in every village and dust when the roads are just dirt surfaced.
The goal for tomorrow is to move into the house, bishop is sure it will have hydro and water (fingers are crossed)
tonight packing clothes that I unpacked here at Bishopscourt. 
It was great here having meals served and laundry done, great hospitality but getting settled with decrease the comings and goings.
It was on view at the side of the road, no store front, just in front of the open drainage ditch
         shop at the side of the road

testing chair at side of road
                                                           all aboard and ready to move
believe it or not, I actually thought the colour was black and gold but they do look a little purplish in the sunlight if I do say so myself, honest thought they were black

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