Tuesday, January 7, 2020

a recurring theme - the difficulty of day to day living here

so the house I am going to live in in nearing completion but curtains and furniture are still to obtain. I went looking for drapes, sheer curtain, anything actually and there was one store, maybe had 20 drapes, no sheer curtains, then on to a fabric store hoping there would be material to make curtains, no such luck and everyone is saying go to Kumasi,,, go to Kumasi SO I conclude that a trip to Kumasi is in order (3 hours by car one way and then getting around the busy city to get what is needed) I need someone to come with me as I do not know where the stores are. That is the next agenda item to get this trip organized.

New topic of intense labour - cooking for 70 on retreat
Mother Margaret (Bishop's wife) has the task of getting food prepared for 70 folks for 6 days.
Parishioners at the cathedral and Mother's older sister have answered the call

A tent set up to cover the cooking area as they will be there all day as every aspect is done by hand.

There are several fires (charcoal or wood) burning.
Three rocks are the base for the large pot and then wood is stuck in between the rocks for the fires. quite creative in my thinking

Large pots and long handle spoons for stirring keep the soups from sticking
                                                                                 fish frying in the left          pan over charcoal

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