Saturday, January 18, 2020

ohhh a 3 day retreat.

3 day clergy retreat led by the Dean from Accra. It was on history of the Anglican Church and how things need to change for the church in Africa. Evangelism is the primary thrust along with having the Anglican church more accessible for African, rather than hanging on to the English model of the Anglican church, like in the Toronto Diocese the saying  NEW WINE SKINS FOR NEW WINE. It needs to be appropriate to the African parishioner, like using the local language instead of English, like the RC's stopped using Latin in the mass and changed to the vernacular.
My swollen feet after sitting hopefully will go down by morning,

Tomorrow an ordination for a deacon and a priest. So I am waiting for the Dean, living next door makes is easy to get to the cathedral, so I am watching a goat inside the fence eating the garden vegetable leaves, having a great supper. I try to figure out whose garden it is and how did the dam thing get inside the fence. Dean's daughter comes out and runs to chase the greedy goat out along with several lambs.
                                                            here is the interloper


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